Thursday, October 2, 2008

Eh, what?

From this article.

It seems as if a Dr. Deborah Anderson from the Boston University's School of Medicine has conducted a lab study to see if Coca~Cola is an effective contraceptive. Well, according to her and her colleagues Coke is a spermicide. It is also stated that a couple of Taiwanese doctors did a similar study proving otherwise.

I myself seriously doubt that Coke itself is an effective contraceptive. However, if in fact Coke is useful as a spermicide, I'm guessing it's due to certain ingredients used in the soda. Either way don't forget the condoms fellas, because I don't think your going to find many women willing to have soda sprayed up in their vagina.

1 comment:

DSOTA said...

The Mythbusters said that cola doesn't kill sperm. Guess someone here was to be wrong, but who?