Tuesday, September 23, 2008

What's up with...

People getting all jumpy whenever I walk into a room. Like I'm going to go crazy and kill them or something. Just because I keep to myself. I don't know what's more annoying the "OH MY GOD!!! HE'S QUIET; HE'S GONNA SNAP ONE DAY AND KILL US ALL" type people or the ones that constantly tell me they're my friend and that I should warn them when I'm about to "Start shooting".

People that need to repeatedly remind others that they "Don't give a fuck". If you didn't "Give a fuck" the shit wouldn't even be on your mind. You obliviously care enough to keep bringing the topic up. Maybe you should try solving the problem instead of throwing sissyfits every ten minutes.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Mom's in the hospital... Again.

She was discharged not to long ago and is home now. Apparently during her lunch break she went to go pay some bills. As she was crossing the street a guy in a van was turning the corner. One thing that annoys me is when people forget that when pedestrians are crossing the street (on a green light of course) they have the right of way. Anyways, the guy's van clips my mom and she falls back hitting her head.

According to her he gets out the van and starts feeling her head. Yeah, like that's going to help; might have did some damage. Then he offers to take her to the hospital in his van. Like anybody in their right mind would get hit by a vehicle by a complete stranger then get in the car with them.

Now every two hours or so I have to check up on her and ask her a series of questions: What's your name? Where are you? What today's date? Normal questions they ask you when you hit your head. Knowing her though she'll be calling me every half hour for something frivolous.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Heeere kitty kitty kitty.

Took two out of three of my cats to the vet this evening. Getting them in their respective pet carriers was a bit of a chore, well for one of them it was. At least we have separate carriers now instead of one; imagine trying to get two cats into one carrier. You get one in the other gets out.

While sitting in the waiting room there was a lady complaining that her kitten was having a seizure. So the vet asked her if she smokes pot and blows the smoke in the kitten's face. I didn't hear her answer, but she had this "I didn't know blowing smoke from a joint into an animals face was bad for it" look on her face. Needless to say there was a few people that were really annoyed with this ladies stupidity; myself included. Then again I don't live with her so I don't know what the deal is.

Once it's our turn is up things go rather smoothly. The cats hiss here and there (you wouldn't be too happy either if someone stuck a thermometer up your rear either; unless your into that sort of thing) otherwise they were pretty well behaved. Lucy my youngest cat was the first to get checked out. He got his temperature taken, weighed (10 lbs.), his heart checked out, and received his shots. Princess got the same treatment Lucy received, however she weighed in at 17 pounds; I think she might have lost a pound or two. We also got a laxatone for her since she has a hard time with hairballs.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008


Check this video I saw on Youtube of a man that has a hole in his head. Well, not going completely through his head. My first reaction when seeing this video come up on the sidebar was: this can't be real; someone probably edited that hole in his head.

I am amazed that the guy is still alive with a hole that big. It looks like if someone were to stick their finger in there they would be able touch his brain.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

A hard time.

Had a hard time trying to sleep last night. I was starting to doze of when suddenly I had this very uneasy feeling that someone was in my room watching me. Like they were standing at the side of my bed looking down on me. But, when I look up nobody was around; not even my cats.

This kind of thing happens every once in a while, but it still creeps me out to no end. At least it wasn't as bad as the time it felt like someone was sleeping next to me or the time it felt like some one was pulling on my leg sporadically through the night.