Wednesday, October 22, 2008

3 Keys to World Domination

1. Charisma: The first thing you'll need is the ability to be able to persuade others to follow your ideals. Or at the least have them agree with you to the point were they become trustworthy allies. This also helps when you need to acquire funds for the necessary materials.

2. Loyal Followers: Not everybody is going to put up with your plans. Your bound to run into resistance sooner or later. If you end up having them declare war on you your going to need people that are willing to not only kill for you, but also die.

3. Money: Hey, you can't have your followers fighting on the battlefield with their bare hands right? So your going to need funds for not only weaponry, but also food and other supplies.

Friday, October 10, 2008

"The Gay Bomb"

Yes, Gay Bomb. I was watching the History Channel and they had a program about "strange weapons". This is one of the weapons they mentioned, albeit just a brief description before going to commercial. Apparently the US Air Force was speculating (although the Pentagon nixed the plan) the possibility of using a strong aphrodisiac in combat on enemy troops. I'll leave you and your imagination as to what the results were supposed to be.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

In shock and awe.

I was listening to the radio at work today. The radio host was interviewing a person that graduated high school, went to college, and teached for seventeen years. Not that big of a deal right? Well the thing is the guy didn't learn how to read until he was 43. Unfortunately I couldn't listen to the rest of the interview, because I had work to do.

Honestly, I don't know whether to congratulate the man for accomplishing all that without knowing how to read. Or wonder how the schools he attended as a student/teacher failed to notice he couldn't read.

Friday, October 3, 2008

That is absurd.

In a previous blog entry I mention my mom was taken to the hospital after being struck by a car. Well, today she received a bill from the city fire department for $510.00. That's not the absurd part though. No, the absurd part is the fact that the hospital they took her to was only about two blocks away from where she was.

I know the city has to find ways to pay for things, but I was under the impression that life was supposed to be priceless. Guess I was wrong.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Eh, what?

From this article.

It seems as if a Dr. Deborah Anderson from the Boston University's School of Medicine has conducted a lab study to see if Coca~Cola is an effective contraceptive. Well, according to her and her colleagues Coke is a spermicide. It is also stated that a couple of Taiwanese doctors did a similar study proving otherwise.

I myself seriously doubt that Coke itself is an effective contraceptive. However, if in fact Coke is useful as a spermicide, I'm guessing it's due to certain ingredients used in the soda. Either way don't forget the condoms fellas, because I don't think your going to find many women willing to have soda sprayed up in their vagina.